New Marketing activities to boost your sales
Below you will find detailed info about each new marketing activity that NF Academy prepared to their partners.
The main goal with this is NF partners to explore different ways to communicate and reach their costumers, always trying to sell more.
You can request any service listed below. If you have doubts or questions about any activity, please contact or
Marketing activities
Regular Marketing Package
This is the marketing budget that you are usually requiring from NF Marketing Department.
– Production of Ads
– Publishing Ads
– Manage Ads and optimise for success
– Advertising budget on FB and IG
What we need from you:
– Request the package with all the info
Price: 100€
Delivery time after request: 5 workdays
Standardised Event Poster
This is a nice piece of content to share in your social media, to send by email and, of course, for printing to spread near the event region.
– Event poster A3 with the NF standard design (see example below): PDF format and IMG format.
What we need from you:
– Request the poster identifying the respective event.
Price: 30€
Delivery time after request: 2 workdays
Local Special Event Poster
Create your own design and customize the information inside your Poster. One time the template is created, you can request this custom poster for the same price of the standard poster to all your future events (30€ instead the 85€).
– Custom event poster A3 (see example below): PDF format and IMG format.
What we need from you:
– Request the poster identifying one future event as for example.
– Give detailed instructions to the NF Marketing department show to you the final version faster (image, texts, etc).
(Note: we have to keep the graphic baseline from NF Academy brand)
Price: 85€
Delivery time after request: 5 workdays (1st draft) | 7 workdays final version

Custom poster requested by a Danish partner.
Local article published to blog and Facebook
One of the best conversation marketing pieces, based on our experience, is a well-structured article. Propose as an idea and we will build an article related to your camps, region, players or/and the local community.
– article body, title and images.
– translation to the respective language.
– publish on the country web.
– share in the main NF social media pages.
What we need from you:
– Define the topic and the angle.
– support the Marketing department with images, quotes and other important materials to implement on the article.
Price: 600€
Delivery time after request: 8 workdays
Advertising Campaign on Facebook
Make a extra boost in your region with a Facebook campaign, using one of the articles/pages already created in the NF Academy website (news, product pages, booking pages, etc). We can advise you about the articles and pages how converted more in the past campaigns and same topic/angle in yours.
– Copy + image creation to the post.
– Entire setup of the campaign with our advises about the best audiences to use.
What we need from you:
– Define the content to boost.
– Define the budget you want invest.
Price: 100€
Delivery time after request: 4 workdays

Partner sharing the winners from a NFI event to promote the next ones.
Social Media competition
This is a good option to engage and get more participants in your groups and pages on social media. Works like a giveaway. To better understand, read the example below.
– Text production
– Image(s) production
– Selection from the winner
What we need from you:
– Define the rules from this competition (requirements you want from users)
– Define in each groups/profiles you want to share this.
Price: 135€
Delivery time after request: 5 workdays
A Danish partner requested a Facebook competition, where the participants from his Facebook group have to post a video from his son/daughter training or playing to show his/her skills and tag a friend that could be interested in participate.
This away, you are putting all the group participants interacting with each other and tagging potential new costumers to join the group.
We will evaluate the “best player” from all videos and give free participation (or a good discount, your choice) in an upcoming event.